1 (800) 475-3836 questions@visanetwork.com

Current US Passport updates. What you need to know. 

All passport agencies are moving in phases. Phase 1, which is the first step, has not yet occurred in San Francisco. When it does, applications will start being accepted; however, things will still be slow and only emergency life or death applications will be prioritized. This is still because of limited staffing at passport agencies. Because phases are based on ever-changing local conditions, we can’t estimate dates for when the phase 1 comes, which will bring additional staffing and more applications being processed. We will continue to post updates regarding openings and when you can expect to be sending us documents. At this time, we ask you refrain from sending documents.

If you have questions, or you’d like us to review any documents, feel free to email passport@visanetwork.com. We apologize for any inconvenience. Again, when things open back up, we can’t wait to be servicing everyone again!


Phases of Passport Services according to the State Dept.
