Your privacy means a lot to us. Visa Network collects info on credit cards, emails, home addresses to create an order for your service. As of now, no information is asked online. When receiving your order form, we’ll keep only the important information such as your contact info and services we’ve done for future references. All other history is just that, history.
- Credit card information
- Passport
- Alien Registration Card
- Driver’s license information
- Information contained in business/invitation letters from travelers company host/invitee
When you fill out our order form, that information is inputted into our database. That’s just so we can call you if we need to, send invoices, and mail documents. We won’t ever sell your information to a third party. We won’t advertise with your name- unless given permission. And we won’t keep records of your information longer than 4 years.
- Email – information sent to us goes through At&t servers and is protected from data leaks, malware, and trojans with McAfee Security.
- Shipping – when everything’s said and done, we’ll ship your passport via our own courier service, trusted partner, or Fedex Overnight.
We have links to other websites, such as Consulates, their outsourcing companies, and the U.S. State Department. These are references we ask you visit only if necessary. Most of these forms are downloadable.
Visa Network can’t be responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party. We’ll do our best to amend them, but things happen and we won’t use anyone we don’t trust.
This policy doesn’t get changed often, but as technology progresses, so will this page. If you’d like to have your information deleted, changed, or just have general privacy questions, contact our team (415) 693-0330.
Visa Network assumes NO responsibility for damage, loss, or delay of passport by, Consulate, Government office, postal, or courier service agency. Any payment made by VISA NETWORK on behalf of applicant to Government entity is NON-refundable; regardless of acceptance or rejection of application.
870 Market Street Suite 888, San Francisco, CA 94102
US: (800) 475-3836 / Direct: (415) 693-0330 / WhatsApp (650) 509-3273
Copyright © Visa Network 1987-2024. All rights reserved.