1 (800) 475-3836 questions@visanetwork.com

Countries Eligible for Online Visas


EVisa and eTAs (Electronic Travel Authorities) allow applicants to apply online rather than submitting directly to a Consulate. Good for travelers who don’t have enough time to apply for stamped visas issued inside at the Consulate. Usually eVisa’s are limited in validity compared to standard Visas. For example, a visa may be valid for 5 years; whereas, an eVisa may only be valid for 4 months.


BRAZIL Evisa (Electronic Visa)

The Evisa form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit Brazil for Tourist or Business purposes. It will be valid for 10 years or until your passport expires, whichever comes first.​ Brazil Gov fee is $80.90. Our service fee is $98. Immediate action is $130. This Evisa is ONLY available for USA, Canada, Australia. All other nationalities must apply at a consulate. To do it yourself click here.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out Brazil Evisa Form
  2. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  3. Scanned color copy of your passport
  4. For NON US passports– make a copy of your US status i.e. Green Card

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up 7 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Brazilian government, you will receive an email from the Evisa system with proof of payment for the Evisa (Does not include our service fee). We will also email you a copy of the final invoice for your records.


In addition to the visa application requirements stated above, applicants who are younger than 18 years of age at the time of application must present the following additional materials:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Authorization for Issuance of Brazilian Visa for a Minor, signed by both parents
  3. For children of Brazilian parent(s):  Declaração de Não-Cidadania declaring that the applicant is not a Brazilian citizen (Does not hold a Brazilian Birth Certificate), signed by Brazilian parent(s).
  4. If only one parent is listed on birth certificate, only that parent’s signature is required.
  5. If one parent has sole custody of applicant, a notarized copy of the court order awarding sole custody & exclusive parental rights must be presented.
  6. If one parent is deceased, a death certificate must be presented.
  7. Copy of passports or other form of photo ID for both parents.
  • The name on the parent’s photo ID must match parent’s name on the child’s birth certificate. If said parent has changed his or her name since the issuance of the birth certificate, the parent must present documentation showing proof of the name change (e.g. marriage certificate or court order)


CAMBODIA Evisa (Electronic Visa)

The Evisa form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit Cambodia for tourist or business purposes. It will be valid for 3 months or until your passport expires, whichever comes first.​ Government fee is $36 (Tourism) or $42 (Business). Our service fee is $98. Or $120 for immediate action. 


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out Cambodia Evisa Form
  2. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  3. Scanned color copy of your passport
  4. For NON US passports– make a copy of your US status i.e. green card
  5. Flight Itinerary (Tourism Only)
  6. Inviation Letter (Business Only)

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up 5 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Cambodian government, you will receive an email from the Evisa system with proof of payment for the Evisa (Does not include our service fee). We will also email you a copy of the final invoice for your records.


EVISA Exemptions: Laos, Malaysia, Phillipines, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei darussalam, Myanmar




CANADA ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization)

The ETA form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit Canada for tourist or business purposes. It will be valid for 5 years or until your passport expires, whichever comes first.​ Our service fee is $98.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out Canada ETA form
  2. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  3. Scanned color copy of your passport
  4. For NON US passports– make a copy of your US status i.e. green card

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up 2 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Canadian government, you will receive an email from the ETA system with proof of payment for the ETA (it does not include our service fee) and instructions on how to use the Reference number for your flight to Canada. We will also email you a copy of the final invoice for your records.


ETA provision is available for nationals of following countries/territories:

Andorra, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, British citizen, British National (Overseas),  British overseas citizen (re-admissible to the United Kingdom) (British overseas territory citizen with citizenship through birth, descent, naturalization or registration in one of the British overseas territories of: Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Island, Saint Helena,  Turks and Caicos Islands, British Subject with a right of abode in the United Kingdom), Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (must have a passport issued by Hong Kong SAR),  Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel (must have a national Israeli passport), Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Romania (electronic passport holders only), Samoa, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan (must have an ordinary passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan that includes the personal identification number), United Arab Emirates, United States (green card holder only), Vatican City State, must have a passport or travel document issued by the Vatican.

If you do not hold a passport listed on the last page of this document, please refer to the Canadian’s consulate website: https://www.canada.ca/en You will have to work with the Canadian consulate directly to obtain the visa you need for your travel.


INDIAN E-VISA (Electronic Visa)

E-Visa is intended for eligible passports holders who want Visa Network to obtain a short term visa to India for business or tourism online on their behalf. This e-visa is a multiple entry valid for 1 year from the date of issue. The forms listed below must be emailed to us at least 4 business days before you plan to enter India. Read carefully all info. The government fee for the E-visa is around $103.50 depending on your passport nationality. Our service fee is $98 or for immediate action $130.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out India Evisa Form
  2. Color scan of the biographical pages in your passport
  3. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  4. For Business Visa applicants Only: scan your business card (must be in PDF format) & an Invitation letter from your host in India on company letterhead.

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The online application may take up to 4 business days to process once we have submitted to the Indian government, at which point said Indian government will notify you via email that approval is pending. We will check online daily for a status on your application. Once the visa has been granted, we will email you the E-visa printout along with a copy of the final invoice. When you receive your E-visa from us by email, please read all instructions on the print out and verify that all details are correct. You will be granted a Multiple Entry Visa stamp upon arrival in India.


E-Visa provision is available only for nationals of following countries/territories. If you do not hold a passport listed or if you simply prefer a longer term visa, please refer to the visa requirements on our website for a complete list of documents.

  • Afghanistan
  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Angola
  • Anguilla
  • Antigua & Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • Aruba
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belarus
  • Belgium
  • Belize
  • Benin
  • Bolivia
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Brunei
  • Bulgaria
  • Burundi
  • Cambodia
  • Cameroon Union Republic
  • Canada
  • Cape Verde
  • Cayman Island
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Comoros
  • Cook Islands
  • Costa Rica
  • Cote d’lvoire
  • Croatia
  • Cuba
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • East Timor
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eritrea
  • Estonia
  • Fiji
  • Finland
  • France
  • Gabon
  • Gambia
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Greece
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
  • Guinea
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Jamaica
  • Japan
  • Jordan
  • Kenya
  • Kiribati
  • Korea
  • Laos
  • Latvia
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Macedonia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Mali
  • Malta
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mauritius
  • Mexico
  • Micronesia
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Mongolia
  • Montenegro
  • Montserrat
  • Mozambique
  • Myanmar
  • Namibia
  • Nauru
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • Niger Republic
  • Niue Island
  • Norway
  • Oman
  • Palau
  • Palestine
  • Panama
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Republic of Korea
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Rwanda
  • Saint Christopher and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
  • Samoa
  • San Marino
  • Senegal
  • Serbia
  • Seychelles
  • Sierra Leone
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Suriname
  • Swaziland
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • Togo
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad & Tobago
  • Turks & Caicos Island
  • Tuvalu
  • UAE
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom
  • Uruguay
  • USA
  • Vanuatu
  • Vatican City-Holy See
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam
  • Zambia and Zimbabwe


Korea (Electronic Travel Authorization)

The ETA form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit Korea for tourist or business purposes. It will be valid for 2 years or until your passport expires, whichever comes first.​ Our service fee is $98.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out K-ETA form
  2. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  3. Scanned color copy of your passport
  4. For NON US passports– make a copy of your US status i.e. green card

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up 1-2 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Korean Government, you will receive an email from Visa Network with proof of payment for the K-ETA and instructions on how to use the ETA. 


K-ETA provision is not available for nationals of following countries/territories: China, India, Taiwan,


Kenya Evisa (Electronic Visa)

E-visa for Kenya is for Tourist, Transit and Commercial/Business Trips only. Visa is Valid for 3 months or 5 years, single/multiple entries. If you do not hold a passport from the list of eligible counties below, please refer to the Consulate’s website to apply in person. Our service fee is $130. Or $150 for immediate action. If you prefer to apply for the E-visa on your own, please follow the link: https://evisa.go.ke/evisa.html


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM (Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out Kenya Evisa Form
  2. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  3. Scanned color copy of your Passport
  4. For NON US passports– Make a copy of your US status i.e. green card
  5. Flight Itinerary


  1. Copy of Invitation from Kenya
  2. Copy of Company Registration Certificate
  3. Copy of Kenya Host ID

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up to 3-4 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Kenyan Government, you will receive an email from Visa Network with proof of payment for the Kenya Evisa and instructions on how to use the Evisa. 


E-visa is available to nationals of following countries/territories:

Afghanistan Croatia Kirghizstan Saint Christopher Cape
Albania Cuba Korea South Sao Tome & Principe
Algeria Czech Republic Kuwait Saudi Arabia
Andorra Estonia Laos Senegal
Angola Ethiopia Latvia Serbia
Antigua and Bermuda Fiji Liberia Slovakia
Argentina Finland Liechtenstein Slovenia
Armenia France Lithuania Spain
Australia Gabon Luxembourg Sri Lanka
Austria Gambia Macedonia Stateless
Azerbaijan Georgia Macau {SAR} Sudan
Bahrain Germany Madagascar Suriname
Bangladesh Greece Malagasy Sweden
Belarus Greenland Mali Switzerland
Belgium Guatemala Malta Syria
Benin Guinea Marshall Islands Taiwan
Bhutan Guinea-Bissau Mauritania Tajikistan
Bolivia Guyana Mexico Thailand
Bosnia Herzegovina Haiti Micronesia Togo
Brazil Honduras Moldova Tunisia
Bulgaria Hong Kong {SAR} Monaco Turkey
Burkina Faso Hungary Mongolia Turkmenistan
Cambodia Iceland Montenegro Ukraine
Cameroon India Morocco United Arab Emirates
Canada Indonesia Myanmar {Burma} United Kingdom
Cape Verde Iran Paraguay United States
Central African Rep Iraq Peru Uruguay
Chad Ireland {Republic} Philippines Uzbekistan
Chile Israel Poland Vatican City
China {P.R} Italy Portugal Venezuela
Colombia Ivory Coast Qatar Vietnam
Comoros Japan Reunion Western Sahara
Congo {Brazzaville} Jordan Romania Yugoslavia and
Congo {Democratic Rep} Kampuchea Russian Federation Former States of Yugoslavia
Costa Rica Kazakhstan Salvador Zimbabwe



Saudi Arabia (E-Visa)

The Evisa form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit Saudi Arabia for Tourist purposes only.  It will be valid from 1 year or until your passport expires, whichever comes first. The E-Visa Fee is around $132.​ Our service fee is $98. Or $130 for immediate action. If you need a business visa you must apply thru the Consulate. More info on our site here.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out Saudi Evisa Form
  2. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  3. Scanned color copy of your passport bio page
  4. For NON US passports– make a copy of your US status i.e. green card

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up 2 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Saudi Government, you will receive an email from Visa Network with proof of payment for the Saudi and instructions on how to use the E-Visa. 


North America: Asia: Europe: Europe Cont. Europe Cont.
Canada Azerbaijan Albania Georgia Montenegro
Panama Brunei Andorra Germany Norway
Saint Kitts and Nevis China Austria Greece Poland
United States Japan Belgium Netherlands Portugal
Oceania Kazahkstan Bulgaria Hungary Romania
Australia Kyrgyzstan Croatia Iceland Russia
New Zealand Malaysia Cyprus Ireland San Marino
AFRICA: Maldives Czech Republic Italy Slovakia
Mauritius Singapore Denmark Latvia Slovenia
Seychelles South Korea Estonio Liechtenstein Spain
South Agrica Tajikistan Finland Lithuania Sweden
OTHER: Thailand France Luxembourg Switzerland
Hong Kong Turkey   Malta Ukraine
Macau Uzbekistan   Monaco United Kingdom



Tanzania (E-Visa)

The Evisa form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit Vietnam for Tourist or Business purposes. It will be valid from up to 90 days. The E-Visa Fee varies.​ Our service fee is $130. Or $150 for immediate action.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out Tanzania Evisa Form
  2. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  3. Scanned color copy of your Passport
  4. Return Flight Confirmation
  5. For Business- include invitation letter from host
  6. For NON US Passports– make a copy of your US status i.e. Green Card

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up 5 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Tanzanian Government, you will receive an email from Visa Network with proof of payment and instructions on how to use the E-Visa. 

  List of Countries Needing Visas  
1. Afghanistan 11. Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) 21. Sri Lanka
2. Azerbaijan 12. Lebanon 22. Sierra Leone
3. Bangladesh 13. Mali 23. Syria
4. Chad 14. Mauritania 24. Tajikistan
5. Djibouti 15. Niger 25. Turkmenistan
6. Eritrea 16. Nigeria 26. Uzbekistan
7. Equatorial Guinea 17. Pakistan 27. Yemen
8. Iran 18. Palestine 28. Stateless persons or persons with refugee status
9. Iraq 19. Senegal  
10. Kazakhstan Republic 20. Somalia  


  List of Countries That Don’t Need Visas  
1. Antigua & Barbuda 25. Grenada 49. Rwanda
2. Anguilla 26. Guernsey 50. Romania
3. Ashmore & Cartia Islands 27. Guyana 51. Samoa
4. Bahamas 28. Heard Island 52. Seychelles
5. Barbados 29. Hong Kong 53. Singapore
6. Bermuda 30. Isle of Man 54. Swaziland
7. Belize 31. Jamaica 55. Solomon Island
8. Brunei 32. Jersey 56. St. Kitts & Nevis
9. British Virgin Islands 33. Kenya 57. St. Lucia
10. British Indian Ocean Territory 34. Kiribati 58. St. Vicent
11. Botswana 35. Lesotho 59. St. Helena
12. Burundi 36. Malawi 60. South Africa
13. Cyprus 37. Montserrat 61. South Sudan
14. Cayman Islands 38. Malaysia 62. Trinidad & Tobago
15. Channel Islands 39. Madagascar 63. Turks & Caicos
16. Cocos Islands 40. Malta 64. Tokelau
17. Cook Islands 41. Mauritius 65. Tonga
18. Congo, Democratic Republic (Zaire) 42. Macao 66. Tuvalu
19. Christmas Islands 43. Mozambique 67. Vanuatu
20. Dominica (Commonwealth of Dominica) 44. Nauru 68. Uganda
21. Falkland Islands 45. Niue Island 69. Zambia
22. Gambia 46. Norfolk Island 70. Zimbabwe
23. Ghana 47. Namibia  
24. Gibraltar 48. Papua new Guinea  



Taiwan TAC (Travel Authorization Certificate)

The Taiwan TAC (Travel Authorization Certificate) form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit Taiwan for Tourist or Business purposes. It will be valid for 3 months or until your passport expires with a max stay of 14 days. The TAC Fee is free.​ Our service fee is $98. Or $130 for immediate action. If you would like to do the TAC yourself, you may do so at https://niaspeedy.immigration.gov.tw/nia_southeast/.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Copy of Passport Information Page
  2. Filled out Taiwan TAC Form

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up to 1 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Taiwan Government, you will receive an email from Visa Network with proof of payment for the Taiwan and instructions on how to use the TAC. 







The E-Visa for Turkey is for Tourist and Commercial/Business purposes. Anyone traveling to Turkey for any other reason, including relocating to Turkey for work may not use this E-Visa provision. The process may take up to 5 business days. The government fee for the E-visa is $22. Our service fee is $80.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out Turkey e-visa form
  2. Color scan of the biographical pages in your passport
  3. Scanned color copy of your passport and your US status i.e. green card if you are not a US passport holder

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. Once your application has been approved by the Turkish government, we will email you the Turkey E-visa, instructions on how to use it, and the final invoice.

Citizens of the countries listed below are eligible for the e-Visa

Afghanistan Algeria Angola
Antigua and Barbuda Armenia Australia
Austria Bahamas Bahrain
Bangladesh Barbados Belgium
Benin Bhutan Botswana
Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia
Cameroon Canada Canada
Central African Republic Chad China
Comoros Congo, Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Djibouti
Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor
Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea
Estonia Ethiopia Fiji
Gabon Gambia Ghana
Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus Grenada Guinea
Guinea-Bissau Haiti Hong Kong (BN(O))
India Indonesia Iraq
Ireland Jamaica Kenya
Kuwait Latvia Lesotho
Liberia Libya Lithuania
Madagascar Malawi Maldives
Maldives Malta Mauritania
Mauritius Mexico Mozambique
Namibia Nepal Netherlands
Niger Nigeria Norway
Oman Pakistan Palestine
Philippines Poland Portugal
Rwanda Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
São Tomé and Príncipe Saudi Arabia Senegal
Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia
South Africa Spain Sri Lanka
Sudan Suriname Swaziland
Taiwan Tanzania Togo
U.S.A Uganda United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom Vanuatu Vietnam
Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe




The Evisa form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit Uganda for tourism, transit or business purposes. It will be valid depending on your choice when filling out the application or until your passport expires, whichever comes first.​ Uganda government fee is approximately $50. Our service fee is $98.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out Uganda Evisa form
  2. Scanned color copy of your passport
  3. For NON US passports– make a copy of your US status i.e. green card
  4. This application form, completed.
  5. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  6. Vaccination Certificate (Yellow Fever)
  7. For Business/Conference Invitation Letter
  8. For Family Visit
    • Invitation Letter
    • Immigration status from Host
    • Return Ticket

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up 4 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Uganda government, you will receive an email from the Evisa system with proof of payment for the Evisa (it does not include our service fee) and instructions on what to do. We will also email you a copy of the final invoice for your records.




The ETA form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit the UK for tourism and business purposes. It will be valid for 2 years or until your passport expires, whichever comes first.​ UK government fee is approximately $14. Our service fee is $58. 


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out United Kingdom ETA Form
  2. Scanned color copy of your passport
  3. For NON US passports– make a copy of your US status i.e. Green Card
  4. This application form, completed.
  5. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up 3 business days. Once your application has been approved by the UK government, you will receive an email from the Evisa system with proof of payment for the Evisa (it does not include our service fee) and instructions on what to do. We will also email you a copy of the final invoice for your records.


Vietnam (E-Visa)

The Evisa form is intended for eligible passports holders who wish to visit Vietnam for Tourist or Business purposes. It will be valid from 1 month single or 3 months multiple or until your passport expires, whichever comes first. The E-Visa Fee varies.​ Our service fee is $98. Or $130 for immediate action.


Email the following to EVISA@VISANETWORK.COM

(Please reference your name and visa country on subject line)

  1. Filled out Vietnam Evisa Form
  2. Passport style photo within the last 6mo, white background in JPEG format
  3. Scanned color copy of your Passport
  4. For NON US passports– make a copy of your US status i.e. Green Card

We will email you to acknowledge receipt of your documents. The process may take up 5 business days. Once your application has been approved by the Vietnam Government, you will receive an email from Visa Network with proof of payment for the Vietnam and instructions on how to use the E-Visa. 


Argentina Hungary Panama
Armenia Iceland Papua New Guinea
Australia India Peru
Austria Ireland & N. Ireland Philippines
Azerbaijan Italy Poland
Belarus Japan Portugal
Belgium Kazakhstan Qatar
Bosnia and Herzegovina Korea (South) Romania
Brazil Latvia Russia
Bruney Liechtenstein Samoa
Bulgaria Lithuania San Marino
Canada Luxembourg Serbia
Chile Macedonia The former Yugoslav Slovakia
China Malta Slovenia
Colombia Marshall Islands Solomon Islands
Croatia Mexico Spain
Cuba Micronesia Federated States of Sweden
Cyprus Moldova Switzerland
Czech Republic Monaco Timor Leste
Denmark Mongolia United Arab Emirates
Estonia Montenegro United Kingdom
Fiji Myanmar United States of America
Finland Nauru Uruguay
France Netherland Vanuatu
Georgia New Zealand Venezuela
Germany Norway  



Visa Network assumes NO responsibility for damage, loss, or delay of passport by, Consulate, Government office, postal, or courier service agency. Any payment made by VISA NETWORK on behalf of applicant to Government entity is NON-refundable; regardless of acceptance or rejection of application.

870 Market Street Suite 888, San Francisco, CA 94102

US: (800) 475-3836 / Direct: (415) 693-0330 / WhatsApp (650) 509-3273

Copyright © Visa Network 1987-2025. All rights reserved.